Monday 27 September 2010

JD - Technical Analysis

Below is a shot list of Katy B's Katy On A Mission.

- Begins with Shallow DOF of tree branches
- Cuts to shallow DOF of fence with O2 behind, tracking
- Cuts to ECU of Katy B singing
- Cuts to MS of man in darkness
- Cuts to shallow DOF CU of DJ equipment
- Cuts to MS of DJ from behind in silhouette in club
- Cuts to Tracking shot along wall
- Cuts to Dark MCU of men in dark room
- Cuts to CU silhouette in-front of blue wall
- Cuts to MS of Katy B dancing in doorway of make up room
- Cuts to MS of men sitting in dark room
- Cuts to MS of Katy in recording studio
- Cuts to CU of man in silhouette in dark room
- Cuts to MLS of crowd
- Cuts to MS of Katy B walking on stage
- Cuts to CU of Katy B singing in recording studio
- Cuts to ECU of Katy B's lips in recording studio
- Cuts to MCU of Katy B singing in recording studio
- Cuts to MCU of Katy B singing on stage
- Cuts to CU of mans arm whilst walking
- Cuts to Panning shot of crowd from behind
- Cuts to MS of crowd members from front
- Cuts to Tracking MLS of Katy B walking on stage
- Cuts to MS of crowd members
- Cuts to LS of crowd from above
- Cuts to MS of DJ from behind, showing crowd
- Cuts to MLS of crowd from above
- Cuts to CU of crowd
- Cuts to CU of crowd
- Cuts to Panning MS of Katy B
- Cuts to MS of Katy B on stage, goes in and out of focus
- Cuts to Panning LS on Katy on stage with crowd in front of her
- Cuts to ECU of Katy B singing in recording studio
- Cuts to panning MLS on Katy B singing on stage with crowd behind her in shot
- Cuts to MS of DJ in silhouette with crowd out of focus behind
- Cuts to CU of Katy B singing into mic
- Cuts to MS of Katy B singing into mic from side
- Cuts to CU of Katy B singing into mic from in front
- Cuts to panning MS of men in back of car
- Cuts to CU of Katy B in recoding studio
- Cuts to ped down MS of Katy B in the front of a car
- Cuts to MCU of Katy B and DJ dancing
- Cuts to tracking right MLS of Katy B and DJ dancing with crowd behind them
- Cuts to LS of crowd
- Cuts to MCU of 2 black men shaking hands at camera, begins out of focus.
- Cuts to panning right CU of crowd
- Cuts to MCU of Katy B leaning on car
- Cuts to ECU of Katy B singing
- Cuts to MCU of Katy B and DJ singing from behind Katy B
- Cuts to Panning left MS of Katy B and DJ singing with crowd behind them
- Cuts to 180 right pan CU of Katy B in recording studio
- Cuts to CU of dancing mans t-shirt
- Cuts to MCU of DJ in silhouette
- Cuts to Slow-mo ped up of girl in crowd dancing
- Cuts to left pan of men drinking champagne in dark room
- Cuts to CU of mans trainers
- Cuts to CU of Katy B singing on stage, low angle
- Cuts to MCU of Katy B singing on stage
- Cuts to slow-mo MS of girl dancing in crowd
- Cuts to LS of crowd from high angle
- Cuts to MS of man in mask
- Cuts to slow-mo MCU on man dancing
- Cuts to slow-mo ped up of dancing girls legs
- Cuts to slow-mo MS of girls dancing in crowd
- Cuts to CU of Katy B singing, goes out of focus at end of shot due to
shallow DOF
- Cuts to zooming out MS of Katy B singing in the front of a car
- Cuts to MLS of couple sitting down
- Cuts to MS of Katy B singing in a room
- Cuts to MS of man dancing in silhouette
- Cuts to CU low angle of Katy B singing into mic
- Cuts to MLS over the shoulder of DJ of crowd
- Cuts to MS of girls dancing
- Cuts to out of focus MS of crowd
- Cuts to MCU of Katy B in the front of car
- Cuts to CU low angle of Katy B singing into mic
- Cuts to MS low angle of Katy B on stage

I stopped at 1.30 as the video is very repetitive, so there wasn't much point in recording similar shots over and over. Through out the video the camera is moving fairly constantly to help add energy to the video. It also helps portray the club scene that the video is filmed in. Although the video is very lively it has a low-fi and backstage feel to it, which is one of the reasons why I chose to analyse it. The video is also filmed in a constantly shallow depth of field which is what we are looking at doing in our video so this could help give us some pointers on how to make it look effective. The video has no obvious narrative, with a large percentage of meat shots during the performance shots.

This video has helped to give us more ideas for our video and we feel that the shallow depth of field with a low-fi look is going to suit us well.

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