In our lesson on Friday 10th of September we used the new HD cameras for the first time, this gave u s chance to explore their differetn functions and try out some shots that we could use in our music video production. The main difference between these cameras and the DV cameras is the improved quality, HD. The cameras have relatively the same controls and have touch screen capabilities. The cameras connect to the computer via a USB port and not a Firewire port meaning that there is no need for real-time capturing and the clips from the SD card can be dragged and dropped into a folder from which we can then use them in our music video. This will save time and give us more time to edit and experiment with more challenging editing techniques. The new HD capabilities require a higher specification editing program, Adobe Premiere 8, which allows for HD footage to be used on it efficiently, and because the camera record in AVC HD format the final results will be a lot clearer and sharper than the DV footage we used last year for our two minute opening of a film. The cameras are smaller and more lightweight, however this oculd be a problem when trying to keep steady shots, although our first test shots seemed to be quite smooth and we didint encounter any shake problems.
Sam, excellent work, well done