Monday 27 September 2010

RB - Technical Analysis

For my Technical analysis I chose to do 'Red sign' by Kap Bambino it is very artistic and something that would suit our track quite well.

Here is a list of shots in 'Red Sign' by Kap Bambino:

- From 0.00 to 0.14 there are various fade ins/outs of smoke clouds.
- Fade to shot of the ground
- Cuts to shining light
- Fades to more smoke
- Fades to a CU of dust falling to the floor and someone runs through the shot. it starts off slomo but then speeds up suddenly
- Cuts to MS slomo running, skips
- Cuts to MS of runners upper body. Really jumpy
- Cuts to a slomo LS of the person running
- Cuts to a CU of the runners face
- Cuts to a MS and peds up the body of a second runner
- Cuts to a MS of one of the runners chasing the other
- Transition into the female runner 'on fire'
- Cuts to MS woman falling to the floor
- The angles change and there is a lot of flashing black
- Cuts to slomo of the man running
- Cuts to the woman kneeling on the floor, flashes in and out
- Cuts to a CU of the woman's face. Light flashes on and off.
- Cuts to black
- Cuts to CU of woman's face, flashes.
- Cuts to a MS slomo of the man running
- Cuts to a LS of woman kneeling on the floor as the man flies over her through the air
- Cuts to slomo MS of man falling
- Cut to CU of woman's face
- Cut to woman standing up
- Cuts to her falling, slomo
- Cuts to black

Video ends.

The fast cutting rate in this video complements the speed of the track, which is what our video will need to do. It also is quite artistic rather than advertising the artist. Having an artistic feel to our video would be more suitable as our track is a remix and isn't the kind of track to be advertised to a mass audience. The way the video speeds up, slows down and skips keeps it interesting as it seems sort of abnormal, and that something is going wrong. Overall I think this is a good source of inspiration for our video as the use of slowmo will be beneficial to our video. also the cutting rate is similar to what we will be looking to do. This video also uses several visual ideas that would suit our video, these being the smoke/dust shots and the flashingof the lights.


  1. Ye i really liked the slow-mo bits and the jumpy parts, we could do that in ours, and match it to the beat.

  2. Add embedded video / screenshots and link to video

    This is a focused analysis so far however can you also comment on mise-en-scene in the video. You need to add more detail to your final analysis.
